Owners of old and new homes alike can benefit from maintaining a healthy indoor environment. In particular, they should focus on keeping their space clean, climate-controlled, and safe for all occupants. If you don’t already, try implementing these suggestions to support your family’s health and maintain your home’s condition. Moreover, if you want to Design/Build a home, you should establish these healthy habits early in your homeownership.

Below, we discuss the healthy habits you should practice in your new home:

1. Design a Healthy Indoor Climate

A home’s design and features affect its climate. For instance, you can use windows or HVAC to ventilate your home with a steady flow of air. Windows provide both fresh air and natural light, elements that support psychological and physiological health. You can also use an air purifier to remove pathogens and dust from the air, improving air quality to decrease the risk of allergies.

Furthermore, a well-ventilated home helps maintain a dry environment and prevents mold and mildew growth. Humid weather can increase indoor moisture levels, and basements become humid due to their location. Using a dehumidifier can help control moisture levels in these conditions.

2. Promote a Safe & Accessible Environment

Your home should be accessible to its occupants. If you have or plan to have children, block off stairs, lock cabinets, and pad sharp edges and corners. 

If you expect an elderly family member to move into your home, ask Paradigm Homes to design you a multi-generational home. Also, consider a Pop Top Addition to increase your home’s square footage by building up. Such designs encourage accessibility and prevent accidents by incorporating the following features: 

  • Wide doors and hallways
  • Ramps and/or lifts
  • Lever door handles and faucets

Finally, maintain your home’s structural integrity over the years. Have your home’s mechanisms regularly inspected and serviced. If you live in an old home, you should have its structure and materials inspected to preserve your and your family’s safety. Reach out to Paradigm Homes to discuss further Design/Build goals.

3. Stay Clean & Organized 

A clean and organized home supports positive mental health. Indeed, a well-kept space can reduce stress by decreasing fatigue and mental clutter. Disorganized, messy rooms remind people of incomplete chores, which makes it difficult for them to relax or focus on something else.

Regular indoor cleaning also keeps insects and rodents outside. Aside from being a menace, these pests can exacerbate asthma symptoms and carry disease. Moreover, keeping your kitchen and bathroom clean reduces the risk of disease and infection. Bathrooms are an obvious area for pathogens, but dirty kitchens can host disease-causing bacteria.

You can encourage hygiene through your home’s design by incorporating easy-to-clean materials for high-touch surfaces. This step, along with a minimalist interior design, makes cleaning a simpler and smoother process.

Paradigm Homes: Design/Build Services Available in Potomac, MD

Residents of Potomac, MD, and the surrounding areas can look to Paradigm Homes for their next home Design/Build project or Pop Top Addition. Our team invests fully in the process, product, and innovation of each project. Moreover, clients who build a home with us also support the Paradigm Foundation’s mission: building homes for impoverished families worldwide. Contact us today at (703) 476-5877 and learn how our team can serve you.