In honor of National Simplify Your Life Week (which is officially going on right now), we wanted to share some tips with you for ways that you can simplify your home, starting with your kitchen. These tips should be helpful to you regardless of whether you’re planning to build a new custom home or to remodel your kitchen, or if you just want to make the most of the space you have.
There are lots of ways to make your kitchen more organized, but we wanted to start with three areas that almost all homeowners can relate to: cutlery, spices, and cookbooks.
Without a good plan for cutlery, spices, and cookbooks, your kitchen will look and feel cluttered, but with a few simple tips, you’re kitchen can feel transformed. We would love to hear your own thoughts on the three tips below, and to hear whether you have your own suggestions you’d like to share for ways that people can simplify their kitchen.
1.  Cutlery.  DuraSupreme Cabinetry offers an elegant solution for storing all of your cutlery in one place, with sharp knives hidden underneath the more commonly used knives and forks.
2.  Spices.  The key to spices is keeping them out of the way, but at the same time keeping them easily accessible. Here’s a wonderfully helpful article on Houzz that shows you 24 ideas for stashing your spices. Our favorite idea is to carve out a niche over your stovetop in order to stack your spices where you’re most likely to need them.
3.  Cookbooks.  The final tip is to install a hanging stand for your favorite cookbooks, and the best place for this is typically going to be right over your oven. It’s easy to install, and should be able to slide out of the way when you aren’t using it.
Each of these tips should send the message that you have a well thought out and planned kitchen, which should go a long way to simplifying your life.