With the kids back in school, September is the ideal month to begin to plan your new custom home.  Many builders attempt to rush through planning, but in many ways, careful planning is the most important step in getting the ideal home for you and your family.  In fact, if you look at the Paradigm Process, you’ll see that we place a big emphasis on planning at every step of the way, including pre-design, design, and construction.

At the early stage of your project, when you are just beginning to think about what you want in a custom home, here are some of the best questions you should ask yourself, and your family:

  • How long do we plan on staying in the home?
  • How many different types of activities do we expect to take place in the home? For instance, will someone be working, or running a home business, from anywhere on the premise?
  • What features or areas of your current home do you get the most enjoyment and use from?
  • What have you always wanted to include in your dream home?
  • How important are the outdoor living areas and landscaping?
  • How close do you want to be to your current neighborhood?

By starting with some general questions like these, you can really start to paint a picture of your ideal home.  In our next post, we plan on getting into some more specific questions and details about how to prepare to design and build your dream home.
