The Home Feature That Buyers Will Pay Extra For
Whether you’re planning to sell your home or just trying to upgrade it, you might be at a loss for where to start. What features would enhance a place that [...]
The Growing Trend of Universal Design
In the past few decades, an innovative design trend has provided crucial improvements to a large population: Universal Design. This method of home design accounts for the homeowners, both new [...]
New Home Buyer Trends: More Food Storage, Technology, and Offices
As a result of lockdowns in cities across the country in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of our daily activities are happening inside our homes. Unforeseen changes to [...]
It’s the Perfect Time to Build New, Out, or Up!
Currently, the housing market offers buyers a narrow landscape of limited inventory and high prices. According to the National Association of Realtors, the lack of affordable options led to a [...]
How the Pandemic is Changing Homebuyers’ Perspectives
As businesses around the country continue to reopen, our daily activity is steadily beginning to pick up. As people take steps toward the future, the experiences of the past several [...]
Home Building During the COVID-19 Pandemic
As homeowners and aspiring home buyers seek out homes further away from the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area, Paradigm Homes is here to serve your needs during this challenging time. Whether [...]
National Homeownership Month
 Due to the challenges caused by the recent stay-at-home orders, as well as temporary credit restrictions, there has been a tough but a necessary period in which homeowners and [...]
Building Safety Month: How Paradigm is Ensuring Safe Design/Build Processes
During these challenging times, nearly every industry is working to address the concerns over safety and business operations, including companies within the residential construction industry. As construction workers are considered [...]
The Advantages of Building Green
Even with today’s challenges, our team at Paradigm Homes is committed to bringing you the same high-quality Design/Build services you deserve. To ensure the safety of our employees and clients, [...]
How Multi-Family/Multi-Generational Homes Are Driving the Housing Market
The demand for multi-family homes continues to rise due to their convenience and uniquely structured multiple units. Millennials are taking much longer to marry and are more likely to live [...]
Second-Story Addition Room Ideas
There are a number of benefits that come with a Second Story Addition, also known as a Pop Top Remodel. While it gives you the exciting opportunity to create rooms [...]
4 Unique Custom Home Features of 2020
Arlington homeowners are always looking for design elements and trends that can make their properties more unique and valuable. They may seek to update their home’s current style or put [...]